miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Aumentar tamaño caché Outlook Google Apps Sync for Outlook

Limit mailbox size by setting a registry key

By adding the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Value, you can limit the size of a user's mailbox to a specific number of megabytes. This value also includes the size of delegated mailboxes that can be accessed. When you implement this registry key, the Mailbox Size Limit options are not available.
Create the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Value on each computer where Google Apps Sync is installed:
  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\EmailSync
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\EmailSync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value name: MaxStorePstSizeMegaBytes
    • DWORD Value data: Enter the number of megabytes that you want as the maximum size of the mailbox (for example, 256)

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

RDS en Windows Server 2012 Workgroup

Leed estos 2 artículos, donde explica como poder hacerlo



Y en especial los comandos para activar el servidor de licencias desde Powershell

  1. Open an elevated Windows PowerShell prompt
  2. Type the following command on the PS prompt and press Enter:

    $obj = gwmi -namespace "Root/CIMV2/TerminalServices" Win32_TerminalServiceSetting
  3. Run the following command to set the licensing mode:
    Note: Value = 2 for Per device, Value = 4 for Per User

  4. Run the following command to replace the machine name with License Server:

  5. Run the following command to verify the settings that are configured using above mentioned steps:


    You should see the server name in the output.

Después de ejecutar estos comando, deberiais poder hacer el Diagnostico de licencias sin errores

Añadir a los usuarios dentro de Sistema, acceso remoto, para que puedan entrar.